dōTERRA vs. Young Living


The long awaited for post on the difference between dōTERRA and young living.
I am going to write a few points on what sets dōTERRA different so if you are questioning the difference between dōTERRA and Saje, NOW, or any other popular brand out there then this post will help you out as well!

I don’t want to overwhelm you, so I will stick to four main points!

Number 1.
Quality:  dōTERRA is the ONLY essential oil company in the world who does testing on every single batch of essential oils that is sold AND chooses to share that testing with everyone in the world. For instance, if you go to Source To You  and enter the lot number for a bottle of Tea Tree (aka Melaleuca) as 162658A, you will see that it has been verified by a 3rd party lab as being pure with no chemical adulteration or contamination. Click on the “Test Results” image if you can’t see the GCMS results.

Many other companies will say that they are transparent with testing, but when you click on their reports, they are usually from a few years ago and from 1-2 batches, or they don’t even have any at all, because in fact there has been no scientific testing on the oils (winners).

dōTERRA is the only company in the world who releases the testing for all their batches, and this is why research universities and hospitals (Duke University and Johns Hopkins University Hospital in particular) have chosen to partner with doTERRA.

When starting out on this journey I had to make sure that I was pairing with a company that I was going to be passionate about and be able to back up! I wasn’t the type of person to dive into anything just for an extra side income. I was more genuine than that, and if I was selling a product I needed to know that it was pure and going to help others. So before diving in to share about the oils that I was already using, I did some research. dōTERRA was the only essential oil company that was transparent to the public about what was in their bottles.

Number 2.
Sourcing:  dōTERRA chooses to source their raw plant materials from the areas of the world where that plant grows best. When you take a plant out of it’s native environment, you change the compounds that the plant produces in response to it’s environment, and these are the compounds that make up the essential oil.

For example, doTERRA could easily source their lemons from Mexico, Central America, or even the US, but they choose to source their lemons (and bergamot) from Sicily, which is where some of the oldest lemon trees grow in the world. They also know that they will not be using pesticides or any other chemicals throughout the growth process.

Their Tea Tree is sourced in Australia from the original farm where all modern cultivated Tea Tree plants were propagated from.

The farmers are usually multi-generational farmers of that particular plant, and know their soil, climate, and plants intimately.

In some circumstances, dōTERRA has introduced essential oil product back into a region where it’s no longer being done due to economic reasons, like with their Petitgrain production in Paraguay, along with their decision to move their Lavender production in Bulgaria as well as their roman chamomile and Melissa.

Here’s a video on Petitgrain and how doTERRA is working to revive a collapsed industry for these rural farmers:

And here’s a video on Lemon and Bergamot:


Number 3.
Philanthropic work: This is an extension of the way dōTERRA chooses to source their products, with over half of their oils coming from developing countries. These farmers, in a lot of cases, don’t have running water (sometimes walking up to 3 hours one way for fresh water), medical clinics, or schools.

In some of these countries, women are deemed less-than-worthy because of their monthly cycles, and are shamed in their communities and not allowed to continue with their schooling.

dōTERRA’s Healing Hands works directly with their farmers to help them have access to basic needs that you and I take for granted, and help them build basic infrastructure that is life changing.
In Nepal, the earthquake of 2015 was devastating. Of the 3 schools that have been rebuilt in 2 years, dōTERRA has built 2 of them.

Number 4.
Culture and Executives: doTERRA’s executives came to the company with many years and/or decades of experience in either the essential oils science side and/or the business side of network marketing. There are 7 founding executives who work as a team to make decisions that are best for the company and their mission to improve the health of their customers, but also to leave a healthy and lasting mark on the communities that they source their oils from.

If you Google doTERRA’s executives, you will find that they have won State and National awards for their work, while they were at doTERRA and before they joined.

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I hope that these few points have helped clear what is so different about dōTERRA and why they are labeled as the largest essential oil company in the world! If you have any more questions that you are struggling to get answered, know that I am only a message away and would love to chat.





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